Save the Date: 2024 Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage!

Dominican Friars | January 1, 2024

May the peace of Our Lady be with you on this Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. We know it’s just the first day of the year, but we want to invite you now to join us for the second annual Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage on September 28, 2024 in Washington, DC at the the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

There are many ways you can participate in this great event! And the first way is to start praying for the Rosary Pilgrimage—that many hearts will be led to Jesus through Mary. The Pilgrimage starts (spiritually) with a 9-month novena beginning January 27, 2024. We invite you and your loved ones to pray the Novena prayer found on the 2024 Dominican Rosary prayer card on the last Saturday of each month.

Please promote the Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage and invite your family, friends, fellow parishioners, your pastor, and other ministry leaders to sign up individually or as a ministry on the website.

Follow, like, and share @DominicanRosary on social media!

Continue to check this site for updates, monthly videos, articles on the Rosary, and other content.

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