Pray the Sorrowful Mysteries with the Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage
The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary draw us into the depths of Christ’s Passion, revealing the immense love of God...
Lent: A Call to True Conversion
Lent is more than giving up meat on Fridays—it’s a call to deeper conversion. Discover how fasting, prayer, and almsgiving...
Pray the Glorious Mysteries with the Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage
The Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary draw us into the triumph of Christ and the glory of Heaven. They remind...
The Meaning of Candlemas: Mary’s Offering and the Light of Christ
On the Feast of the Presentation, also known as Candlemas, Mary and Joseph bring the infant Jesus to the temple,...
Journey to Lourdes
Explore the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and the spiritual impact of pilgrimage. Discover stories of grace and healing...
A 9-Month Novena for the third annual Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage
The Dominican Friars of the Province St. Joseph are beginning a 9-month novena to pray for the success of the...
Join Us for the 2025 Novena & Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage
May the peace of Our Lady be with you. As we begin this new year, we invite you to mark...
A Moment of Grace: The Salve Regina
Experience the beauty of the Salve Regina as sung by the Dominican Friars during the Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage. This hymn,...
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