The Mysteries Unveiled: Prayer and Pilgrimage with the Dominicans
In 1208, St. Dominic received a heavenly vision of the Blessed Mother. Many believe that the Rosary came forth from...
The Rosary and Scripture
Even among the kaleidoscopic crowd on the subway and in the streets of New York City our Dominican habits tend...
The Sacred Heart and St. Dominic
“O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto thine.” Today, on the Solemnity of the Sacred...
Disputed Question: The Luminous Mysteries?
I’ll be honest up front: there can be debate within Dominican ranks regarding the status of the Luminous Mysteries. Should...
Living Our Lady’s Graces
Those who pray the Rosary with all their heart know from experience that the Rosary is an “outpouring of love”...
7 Reasons to Return to Confession in Easter
Lent is a great time for Catholics to return to Confession, but it would be wrong to think that Easter...
Our Lady of Fatima
May 13th is the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, marking the day when the Blessed Mother first appeared to...
The Peace of Fatima
When Lucia and her cousins saw Our Lady of Fatima in 1917, she asked them to “say the Rosary every...
The Sorrowful Mysteries
The Gospels give great prominence to the sorrowful mysteries of Christ. From the beginning Christian piety, especially during the Lenten...
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