Pray the Dominican Rosary
The Dominican Friars are the foremost promoters of the Rosary worldwide. Our founder, St. Dominic de Guzman, received the mission...
The Glorious Mysteries
The Glorious Mysteries announce the power of God as these take shape in the life of Christ and of the...
Living the Triduum at Home
On the evening of Holy Thursday, the whole Church moves from Lent to the Sacred Paschal Triduum–the days from Holy...
Holy Week and the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary
In the upcoming liturgies of Holy Week, the Church recalls the final events of Jesus’s earthly life day by day,...
The Value of Suffering
We Must Teach Young People the Value of Suffering: Q&A with Fr. Peter John Cameron, O.P. By Vladimir Mauricio-Perez for...
To Scripture, Through the Rosary
You have likely heard that famous line from Saint Jerome’s commentary on Isaiah: “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ”...
With the Lord Is Mercy and Plenteous Redemption
If you could choose only one psalm to pray for the rest of Lent, you wouldn’t go wrong choosing Psalm 130....
Perhaps in Ashes
They are a reminder of the great and terrible entropy of all earthly things: “All go to one place; all...
Join the 2023 Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage
Man is a pilgrim animal. Planted upon earth but destined for heaven, he must chart a path of peace through...
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