Strength in Unity: Join the Rosary Confraternity

Dominican Friars

At the Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage, Fr. Joseph-Anthony Kress, O.P., invited all to join the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary—a global association of the faithful united in praying the Rosary for one another. As he said, “We join together in a singular voice, praying the Rosary, turning our eyes and beseeching the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.”

What is the Rosary Confraternity?

The Rosary Confraternity is a centuries-old international association established to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary and secure her patronage through the Rosary. Members promise to pray for each other and receive spiritual benefits, including the prayers and good works of the Confraternity and the Dominican Order, along with various indulgences and the special protection of Our Lady.

Obligations of Membership

The only obligation is to pray 15 decades of the Rosary each week, which can be spread out across the week. Members are asked to include the intentions of fellow Confraternity members in their prayers.

Spiritual Benefits

  • A share in the prayers and the good works of countless thousands of Rosary Confraternity members throughout the world and in heaven.
  • A share in the good works and prayers of the Order of Preachers (Dominican Order).
  • Various plenary and partial indulgences
    • For members of the Confraternity, a plenary indulgence is granted under the usual conditions on the day of enrollment (the day indicated on the register/certificate) as well as the feast days of Christmas, Easter, the Annunciation, the Assumption of Our Lady, the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, the Immaculate Conception, and Our Lord’s Presentation in the Temple.
    • A plenary indulgence is also granted, under the usual conditions, to all who pray the rosary in a Church or oratory, in a family (family rosary), religious community, or in a pious association of the faithful. Otherwise, the indulgence is partial.
  • And most importantly, the intercession and special protection of Our Lady, the Mother of God.

How to Enroll

Joining is simple and open to all. To become a member and unite your prayers with thousands of others around the world, click here to enroll.

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